"Accredited by the American Public Works Association"
Residential Garbage & Solid Waste Division
RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE & SOLID WASTE is a department in the Government of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors. The Residential Garbage & Solid Waste Division is responsible to oversee/monitor the Contract of the Contractual Garbage & Waste provider operating in the rural area of Hinds County, MS, outside the areas of the municipalities within Hinds County, MS.
The goal of the department is to ensure the residents of Hinds County are served with quality service by the contractual vendor to remove the residential garbage waste.
Dear Hinds County Resident,
WM is excited to provide the residents of Hinds County with automated collection. WM will begin using automated trucks for trash collection on December 4. These trucks use automatic li ing arms to empty carts, making collection e cient and safer for your community and our employees. A 96-gallon trash cart will be delivered to each residence at no additional charge beginning October 1. With automated collection, all materials must fi t inside the WM trash cart with the lid firmly closed.
After December 4, no extra bags or material outside the cart will be collected or resident-owned containers serviced. Important Service Information
• Your trash will continue to be picked up weekly on your regular service day.
• Please begin using your WM 96-gallon cart with your other carts if needed as soon as you receive it.
• Use only the WM 96-gallon cart for trash beginning December 4.
• Please bag and tie trash before placing it inside your cart. No material outside the cart will be collected after December 4.
• Have your carts at the curb the night before or no later than 6 a.m. on your collection day.
Cart Placement for Automated Collection Place your cart at least 3 feet away from any obstacles (trees, cars, mailboxes, etc.) to allow the automatic arm to lft and empty the cart. Place the wheels of the cart toward your house.
Bulk, Furniture, White Goods, Limb Piles, and Yard Waste Collection
• Hinds County Residents, please call Public Works at (601) 857-8732.
• Byram Residents, please call Public Works at (601) 372-7791 or City Hall at (601) 372-7746.
Need an extra cart?
Contact WM at wm.com or (800) 284-2451 to order an extra 96-gallon trash cart.
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