Jackson Jury Duty

First Judicial District Jury Duty


Serving on Jury Duty is the most important civic duty you can do other than serving in the military.

Please call 601-969-0052 the night before to get current instructions from the court.

REPORT TO:  407 E Pascagoula St, Jackson, MS 39205

IF YOU ARE OVER 65, YOU CAN CLAIM A PERSONAL EXEMPTION.  No affidavit is required but you will need to let the clerk's office know.

You can submit your excuse by:

                Mail: P.O. BOX 327, Jackson MS 39205
                Email zwallace@co.hinds.ms.us
                Call 601-968-6628.

Rules of Court:
No cell phones, purses, guns or knives allowed in the Courthouse.

No shorts, halters or flip flops allowed in court.

No children are allowed.


For information about jury duty, please call the Circuit Clerk's Office at 601-968-6628.